HRIS Software

Candidate to employee, made easy

First, Workable helped you make the hire. Now, provide a seamless onboarding experience with our new HRIS tools. Save time by automating your onboarding process and keep track of all employees’ information effortlessly, all in Workable.

Prepare your candidates to be your best employees

HRIS Software FAQs

What is HRIS software?

An HRIS is a Human Resources Information System. This software is used by HR teams to manage employee information (like contact info, job title, and more), organize company documents, review organizational structure and manage paid time off. Use Workable’s HRIS software to onboard and manage employees.

What are the advantages of an HRIS?

An HRIS provides a structured, single source of truth for employee information, making it easy to find and update details about employees. It stores documents securely, enables teams to visualize company structure and plan for hiring needs, and helps keep track of changes. An HRIS can even be used to get new hires started, handling the logistics of onboarding automatically so they can get to work faster.

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