Free document sending, signing and storage to simplify compliance

No credit card needed. No hidden fees.

See how it works - 2:30

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Person using the documents tool on a laptop
Person using the documents tool on a laptop

Streamline your business with our

digital document solutions

Easily store new hire onboarding documents

Your documents are easy to update, access and send to employees.

Save, sign and send to new hires

Everything you need, all in one place to easily grow your team.

Request and track signatures

We've made it easy for your newest employee to get started.

Say good bye to the filing cabinet

Upload, send and store documents on our HRIS for free. With the ability to host all your company documents in the cloud, you'll never again have to sift through your filing cabinet to find a document.

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View of documents in the HRIS document tool
Digital document signing feature

Collect and verify signatures in minutes

Say goodbye to hard copy signatures. Our e-signature feature allows you to upload and send documents for e-signature in minutes. It's easy to request and track mobile signatures from employees on any document stored in your HRIS.

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Digital document signing feature

Take your HR paperless

Never spend another dollar on paper, ink, printers, postage and more by using our documents feature. Get the benefits of bringing your HR online when you send, sign and track documents with easy to use HR tools from SimplyHired.

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Digital document signature tracking feature